
Every Christian’s focus should be on Jesus Christ, who is the Alpha and omega, the Beginning and the end, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Mighty man in battle, the Creator who was not created, the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of princes.
He also is the Head of all principalities.
All power belongs to God! No matter the denomination you belong to, there is only one God, one love, one Christ Jesus, one hope of resurrection and glory.
There is the need for us to have a better understanding of why Jesus Died To Save The World.
THE Holy Bible is the word of God, which enables us to have ideas of what God wants us to know and do, for blessed is he that reads, hears, and keeps the word of God. (Rev 1:3 and 22:7 Luke 11:28 and Proverbs 8:32-36). Now come let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18. Let us study the word of God to show ourselves approved unto God, as workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
All the facts stated in the previous message (Why Jesus Came Down To Save The World) and some others will be explained in details under the following headings:
1.   In the beginning.
2.   Sin and it’s consequences.
3.   God’s promises and man’s incessant disobedience.
4.   God’s undying love for man.
5.   God’s new plans of blessings
6.   The blood of animals for the remission of sins.
7.   Jesus Christ to the rescue.
Let all Christians unite together because unity is strength. See others as your brothers and sisters. In doing so, unbelievers can be converted with love because Jesus is Love.

May God bless you all, give you the understanding needed to live a better Christian life in Jesus name, Amen!

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