
We all have the right to our personal opinions to this particular question. It has raised a lot of unrest and unnecessary forms of vocal abuse in our social medias especially.

Well, In my own opinion, it has done more harm than good!

It is quite unfortunate that in an attempt to solve the problem of Gender inequality and discourage Oppression/mal-treatment of women, more problems are being created.

I am a woman with zero tolerance for nonsense. I am against the entire Gender Inequality practices, but cannot categorically tell you that I am a Feminist. This is because of the mannerism at which most women pass their messages.

I totally understand that, what women go through in our today world, especially in our dear country, Nigeria, is unfair, alarming and unjustly!
Though Feminism ought to entail equality in all ramifications of life, political and social aspect inclusive. Most feminists I see today are “Relationship/Marital” Feminists.

Please Women, note this; The fact that your marriage or relationship failed due to your lack of proper moral upbringing and orientation isn’t a reason to categorize yourself as a Feminist! Please take note!

I totally understand the reason and need to stand up, get a voice and fight for a fair and equal treatment between women and our male folks. But, when I look around, I see women taking unnecessary steps, sailing through the wrong course, walking down wrong paths and making negative utterances in the name of fighting for Gender equality.

From my observations, I ask; Why are most feminists aggressive and rude?

Have you made that observation?

No matter what the situation may be; Irrespective of the point you are trying to chip in, do you really have to take it out on the world with silly attitudes?

Also, I won’t let the men go scot-free in this. You all caused this! You made our once “responsible women” turn “sour” with your ill-treatments and acts of foolishness believed to be a sign of wisdom (cheating).

Men! On your own, you took laws into your hands and turned yourselves to mini-gods.
Yes, it is written that, “the man shall be the head”, but clearly you all got that part misunderstood.
God gave you right over all creation, women inclusive. I agree! To make peace between them, to love and care for them, to nurture them, help them grow and preserve them. Not to bring to their dwelling pain and agony. Not to steal away the peace and happiness and freedom God willed to them.
Men compare our present world with the days of our forefathers, forgetting that our forefathers were not conversant with the teachings of the Holy Bible. They knew next to nothing about the true purpose of our existence. Permit me to say, “ they were illiterates”.  How then can you truly compare Today with Yesterday? It doesn’t add up! It is an error!

Men, I celebrate y’all!  We see your daily struggle and we appreciate. But, you must change your attitude towards women in order to correct the attitude of our today women. You see, in all, you remain the head!

In conclusion: My dear Feminists, preach feminism, but you must do it in a way that still promotes family values. Do not turn bitterness resulting from your own personal fault to a course. Thereby nurturing and promoting wrong values.

I am a woman! I stand against domestic violence, rape and other forms of abuse. But, I stand for the Right thing!

Iam_peaceaghedo…………………………………………….writing is my passion!

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  1. I understand your view n concern... But ladies also have to earn their respect.... Ladies can't always be running after made men with their needs then turn one side and be shouting gender equality....
