
    So, I am going to say this as simple as possible; in a way, we are the cause of our problems. Most often, we go after certain persons knowing fully well that they are not capable of offering a relationship built on sincerity and faithfulness.
We start something with them with the mindset that we can change them. Months pass by, possibly years, still no change. By then you are disappointed and heart broken, you finally realise that no matter what you do, he/she would never change. Then you go about posting on every social media that “girls are worthless bitches” or “calling men arrogant bastards.”

What exactly is the essence of cheating on your partner?

                I took out time to seek the opinion of others on this, and the responses I got were shocking and impressive at the same time. Here are a few;

v  Cheating is natural. Everybody cheats and for no reason. It is called “FUN”.
v  Infidelity occurs as a result of distrust and discontentment.
v  Big asses can lead to infidelity.
v  Infidelity results when a man refuses to perform his duties such as; no longer good in bed, doesn’t cater for his family, when he no longer loves you as he used to, when he cheats, and when he keeps late nights.
v  I see no reason for infidelity. If distance is a barrier, breakup. If there is an issue, resolve it. If you can’t withstand it, then don’t bother standing with it.
v  The character of a partner will determine if to cheat on him/her.
v  Cheating is not a mistake, but by choice.
v  People cheat for material things.
v  I have never been in a relationship because I wasn’t ready for commitment, but I did have flings. But when I decide to make a girl mine, I would never cheat on her because I would be losing the trust she has for me. Cheating is like; you finally get a diamond you so desire and value, and after a while, you choose a mere gold over it. (even I was moved by this illustration).
v  Infidelity results when a partner does not fully accept the other as they are. Hence, he/she goes out in search of more and gets easily moved by flashy things, “It is wrong for a door to accept every key”.
v  In relationships, contentment is key. You don’t need to be always distracted or carried away by material things.
v  Infidelity mostly results from dissatisfaction. It can severely strain a relationship. It leaves the other person devastated, betrayed, aggrieved, and confused.
v  Infidelity is a crime, irrespective of the intent and motive behind it.
v  Immaturity and greediness is the reason behind infidelity.
v  Many things lead to infidelity, such as: boring sex with your partner, peer pressure, distance, immaturity, partner always being around can lead to boredom, etc.
v  Infidelity is as a result of immaturity, (emotional, psychological, spiritual). When the purpose of a relationship is unknown, ABUSE is inevitable. INFIDELITY in relationships is an ABUSE. To truly LOVE a person is a DECISION, not a FEELING.

I LOVE Y’ALL! Awesome friends I’ve got myself.

                I would tell you something about these persons who gave every response you see above. Judging from their responses, you would wonder if they really are faithful and have never been carried away or tempted to cheat on their partners. You would wonder, if people could give such responses, who then are the unfaithful lots? But I would tell you this, the first step to change is accepting that there is a problem. And there is a bigger problem when you refuse to realize that there is a problem. They may have made a mistake at a point, but what really matters is the fact that they believe in the possibility of having a relationship sorely built on trust and faithfulness. Unlike those who think it is a norm. We should never intentionally hurt a heart that chose to make us a reason to beat. Nobody deserves that. It is really unfortunate the direction at which the world is heading. It is best we erase certain believes from our minds. As both the male and female folks no longer care about certain things. It is no longer a man’s thing.

    I am not here to judge you and how you’ve chosen to live your life, neither am I here to teach you how to live your life. We all have our rights to live however we want, to adopt believes/norms/values we find appropriate. Also, do you have the right to settle for whatever you are comfortable with. You owe nobody nothing, if you think you cannot live with infidelity, please never settle for such a relationship.

Do faithful men/women still exist?

A friend once said “I cannot cheat on bae. I could lay on same bed with another girl, the highest we could go is smooching, but sex is for bae alone.” I find that funny though! Is that being faithful? Does that even count for anything?

                Faithful men/women still do exist, but we don’t observe them. We are busy going after the beautiful girls, the handsome men, the guitarist, the musician, the model, the swaggalicious dude next door, the yahoo boys, the filmmaker, the actors and actresses, the pastor’s son, the overseer’s daughter. Funny enough, even if he is a pastor, or a very churchy person, it is no guarantee that he wouldn’t cheat. We really do need God in everything!

                But just in case it is hard to find a faithful man/woman, make sure to find someone who loves you sincerely. A love that would stand the test of time and distance, and would never find you boring. One who would see in you something more than a pleasure to their flesh, but a pleasure to their heart. Whenever you do find such a person, turn away from every distraction and guide your relationship/marriage with all thy heart.

                What would it profit you to live in wealth when your heart is not at ease? How do you live knowing that you share the one your heart beats for with another? It is totally okay if you decide not to settle for such. If God, your creator is a jealous God, who then are you not to be a jealous lover? And for those men who think it’s normal for guy to cheat and a woman not to. You better wake up to reality. Change should begin from you. You are the head after all! But never judge a girl, when you know you are guilty as well.

                Based on my little knowledge about life, I will say it is best we create our own personal believes about life, and stick to them. Adopting an irresponsible way of life in the name of “the world says” is actually not healthy. The first step to being unique is having a believe different from that of the world. If friends fail you, trust me, it’s a part of the process, get another! If your believes are not profiting, it is a sign to get another believe. If love fails you, that is no reason to join the world, change your choices.

Humility is not a sign of weakness, Love is not a sign of Foolishness, being strict is not a sign of wickedness. Your ability to possess all 3 qualities makes you strong and unique.
Do give Love another chance! Try fidelity!

A 30minutes pleasure isn’t worth hurting a heart that truly cares!
Not all that glitters is Gold!
Whether you have loved and won or you have loved and lost, the feeling was totally worth it!

Iam_peaceaghedo………………………………………………writing is my passion!

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