
The Death of Christ (crucifixion)

As we mourn the death of our lord Jesus Christ, let us call to mind our sins and transgressions and beg God for forgiveness.

For our sins, he gave up his only begotten son, for our sins Jesus went through severe pain. For our imperfections, he paid the price on the cross of cavalry that we may be saved.
He was made mockery of, those who passed Jesus defamed him, shaking their heads and saying, “you can destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days, save yourself! If you are God’s son, come down from the cross!” Even the chief priests mocked him: “He saved others, but cannot save himself! He is king of Israel! If he comes down now from the cross, we will believe in him! If truly he is the son of God, let God save him!”
Christ's Crucifixion

Jesus had the power to save himself, But he knew his purpose. For imperfect beings like you and me, he endured the pain.
At about 3 o’clock Jesus cried out, “Eli Eli, Lema Sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why hath thou forsaken me?”
Did God really forsake him? What father would be happy seeing his son go through such pain, especially a father with much power, one capable of saving him if he wanted to. Instead, he sacrificed his only son, for the love he had for humans.
Those who have children know how painful it is to observe the suffering of your children. It was worse for a father to sacrifice his son and then hear those sinners for him he did it, dare him to save his son. Indeed, he is a merciful God. He is slow to anger and very patient!
Many at times, God works in ways we cannot phantom. His ways are strange to the human understanding.  Everything happens for a reason. Disappointments may be a blessing in disguise. Judas’ betrayal was just part of the plan to enable Jesus fulfil his purpose on earth.
Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but he could not find a way to release him. Instead he gave in to the demands of the crowd and released Barabbas, handing Jesus over for Crucifixion.
He was betrayed by his very own disciple.
He was arrested and carried away like a common criminal.
He was stripped and crowned with thorns, by the very people he was trying to save.
He was severely and mercilessly beaten, with bruises all over his body.
He was made to carry his cross, a heavy log of wood, through a long distance.
Three huge nails, each about 6-8cm long, was driven into his hands and legs. Could you imagine what kind of pain our Lord Jesus Christ was subjected to.
He had a spear pierced to his side, tearing up his skin, causing a huge injury!
He was thirsty and asked for water to drink, instead he was offered wine mixed with gall.
What an agony our Lord did bore alone!
Finally, he gave a loud cry, saying,” It is finished!” John 19:30. Then he gave up his spirit.
Just then darkness suddenly fell over all the land, the curtain was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks were split apart.
Today, we mark the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died centuries ago in atonement of our sins. Let us submit ourselves to him today, in gratitude for the price he paid for our sake. Acknowledge your every sins and pray for forgiveness.
I pray God have mercy on our sinful souls, wash us thoroughly from every iniquity and preserve our souls.

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